SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA's Teachings have had a life-changing influence on millions worldwide
TeachingsIntegral Yoga is a complete system developed by Swami Satchidananda to
address all levels of the individual, all aspects of life, bringing about the
opportunity for personal transformation.The Integral Yoga teachings are a
pathway to an easeful body, peaceful mind, and a useful life, and to harmony, balance, integration, and Self-realization. The Integral Yoga method is a synthesis
of six classical branches of Yoga: Hatha, Raja, Japa, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga. Its aim is to purify and calm the body and mind in order to experience the peace
and joy that is our true nature. Integral Yoga practitioners bring that peace into the world by fostering interfaith harmony and leading service-oriented lives. Founded
in 1966, there are currently 30 Integral Yoga centers on six of the seven continents and 5,000 teachers worldwide.
SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA's Teachings have had a life changing influence on millions worldwide
TeachingsIntegral Yoga is a complete system developed by Swami Satchidananda to address all levels of the individual, all aspects of life, bringing about the opportunity for personal transformation.The Integral Yoga teachings are a pathway to an easeful body, peaceful mind, and a useful life, and to harmony, balance, integration, and Self-realization. The Integral Yoga method is a synthesis of six classical branches of Yoga: Hatha, Raja, Japa, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga. Its aim is to purify and calm the body and mind in order to experience the peace and joy that is our true nature. Integral Yoga practitioners bring that peace into the world by fostering interfaith harmony and leading service-oriented lives. Founded in 1966, there are currently 30 Integral Yoga centers on six of the seven continents and 5,000 teachers worldwide.

The goal of Integral Yoga, and the birthright of every individual, is to realize the spiritual unity behind all the diversities in the entire creation and to live harmoniously as members of one universal family. This goal is achieved by maintaining our natural condition of a body of optimum health and strength; senses under total control; a mind well-disciplined, clear and calm; an intellect as sharp as a razor; a will as strong and pliable as steel; a heart full of unconditional love and compassion; an ego as pure as crystal; and a life filled with supreme peace and joy.
—Sri Swami Satchidananda
Six Branches of Integral Yoga
Hatha Yoga
The path of the physical practice of Yoga
Includes asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras, kriyas, yogic diet, and deep relaxation.
These practices help to purify and strengthen the body and mind.
Raja Yoga
The path of concentration and meditation
Utilizing the eight limbs of Yoga delineated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this path offers a foundation for spiritual growth. Includes the integration of ethical principles, with the regular practice of meditation.
Bhakti Yoga
The path of love and devotion
To open and nourish the spiritual heart we enjoy kirtan (chanting), puja (worship), and prayers. Through pure love, faith and remembrance of the Divine we can rise above the illusion of separation and experience Oneness with all.
Karma Yoga
The path of selfless service
By engaging in our activities with a focused mind and loving intention we become pure channels of selfless service. With the heart and mind dedicated to the well-being of all we can more fully experience inner peace and joy.
Jnana Yoga
The path of wisdom
This path includes self-analysis and systematic discrimination between Unity Consciousness and the ever-changing forms of creation. When we identify less with the body, mind and ego, we gain greater access to our inner wisdom and who we really are.
Japa Yoga
The practice of mantra repetition
Swami Satchidananda recommended mantra japa as one of the easiest and most effective forms of practice for today. Concentrated repetition of a mantra leads to an awareness of, and attunement to, this cosmic vibration.
Yoga and Wellness
Swami Satchidananda made far-reaching contributions to the field of health and complementary medicine. From the start of his service in the West, he steadfastly promoted vegetarian diet, stress reduction through the Yoga practices and philosophy, and living in harmony with nature. Swami Satchidananda fully supported the use of holistic and natural remedies. Yet, at the same time, he was supportive of the positive aspects of allopathic medicine and always spoke about the great advances it had brought, particularly for acute problems. His ideas and vision would take shape in the field that has become known as “Lifestyle Medicine,” as exemplified by the pioneering work of many of his students, like Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Sandra McLanahan.
(photo l-r: Dr. Michael Lerner, Dr. McLanahan, Swamiji, and Dr. Ornish at “Mind-Body Connection” program, 1987).
A growing number of Swami Satchidananda’s students have gone on to develop therapeutic Yoga programs, organizations, and specialized applications that are pioneering, such as Michael Lerner’s Commonweal Cancer Help program, Sonia Sumar’s Yoga for the Special Child, Jivana Heyman’s Accessible Yoga, Jnani Chapman’s Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness, Mala Cunningham’s Cardiac Yoga/Medical Yoga Training, Sharon Sharanya Manner’s Ashrams for Autism, Hersha Chellaram’s Yama Foundation, Nathan Oxenfeld’s Integal Eyesight, and many more. In 2019, Integral Yoga International announced the recognition through accreditation by the IAYT of its 800-hour Integral Yoga Therapy Certification Program.

Sangha – Community
From the earliest days of Integral Yoga, Swami Satchidananda spoke about the benefits of sangha (spiritual community). The importance of coming together with other spiritual seekers to provide support and inspiration on the path of Yoga is a hallmark of Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga teachings. In addition to establishing Integral Yoga Institutes and Centers globally, in 1979, Swami Satchidananda founded Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, Virginia. Situated on almost 1,000 acres in the rural countryside, Swami Satchidananda described his vision for Yogaville as a sample “heaven on earth,” where people of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds come to together to live the teachings of Integral Yoga. Additionally, thousands of people visit Yogaville annually for guest visits and day trips, and to participate in workshops, Yoga teacher and therapist trainings, celebrations, interfaith gatherings, and silent retreats.
Facilities in Yogaville include: Integral Yoga Academy, Yogaville Vidyalayam, Satchidananda Farm and orchard, auto repair and other workshops, photo department, Shakticom, Integral Yoga Archives, Integral Yoga Publications, Fine Arts Society, Lotus Conference Center, Sri Nivas Retreat Center, Yogaville Federal Credit Union, and much more. Three shrines at Yogaville—the Light Of Truth Universal Shine (LOTUS), Kailash, and Chidambaram—are often referred to as the heart of Yogaville. But, in truth, there is no particular structure that can hold that special honor. The heart of Yogaville will always be the expansive teachings and spiritual blessings of Swami Satchidananda.
The Course
In this course, Introduction to the Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda, you will watch Swami Satchidananda sharing some of his core teachings in his fun, loving, and inspirational manner.
Swami Satchidananda has offered uplifting thoughts and the wisdom of the East through the printed word.
Browse though hundreds of inspirational videos of talks given by Swami Satchidananda
A Sampling of Teachings
Bring Peace to the World
Let us spend a few minutes each day in meditation. To me, these are the most important minutes. In this short time, we are not going to miss anything. The world that survived so far will survive for another few minutes without us. We have done enough damage or good,...
How to Have a Peaceful Life
The ultimate quest of the entire world is peace. Only in peace do we have joy. Not by acquiring things, not by doing things, not by earning or learning, but by dedication. Your entire life must be a sacrifice. Think for the sake of others. To such a person, peace is...
What is a Guru?
A Guru is a stitta pragnyam, one of steady wisdom—one who transcends the body and the mind. The one you call the Guru is the Self. It is the Self that can have equanimity. It is that Divine within, the God within; the Guru is not the man or...
The Aim of Spiritual Practice
The aim of all spiritual practice is to know your real Self, to know the Knower. Spiritual practices are done, essentially, to help clean your mind so that you can realize your spiritual truth—to realize the divine in you. Only when you have a clean mind can you...
How to be Healthy
Disease is nothing but the disappearance of our natural ease. The entire Yoga philosophy aims at the prevention of the loss of our ease and peace. Most of the modem problems are caused by our wrong habits like smoking, drinking, eating the wrong foods or overeating,...
How to be Happy
If you observe carefully, throughout nature you will find one common goal in everybody and everything—even in the atom. All are searching for happiness. In the case of human beings you see hundreds of efforts of various forms. The common purpose behind all these...
Selfless Service – Karma Yoga
Foundational to Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga are his teachings on selflessness. He taught that, “The first lesson to be learned from Yoga is to lead a dedicated life. Love expresses itself as dedication and service. The most important thing you can do is to dedicate your life in service. Serve all with your heart and soul, with your life. Serve with your body, mind, and with everything that you possess. Serve the whole universe. Every minute you should remember that you are here to serve others. If you are dedicated in life, you have eternal joy and peace. If service becomes your motto in life, you will always be peaceful and joyful. What more do you need in life?” He spread this message far and wide.
In honor of this core teaching, Service in Satchidananda was established as a non-profit international network of charities that fund global projects that are working in a sustainable way and giving back to their local communities. Projects include the Satchidananda Prison Project, free medical camps in India, education scholarships, disaster relief, free Yoga to underserved populations, providing essential living items to communities in need, and more.
Sangha – Community
From the earliest days of Integral Yoga, Swami Satchidananda spoke about the benefits of sangha (community). The importance of coming together with other spiritual seekers to provide support and inspiration on the path of Yoga is a hallmark of Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga teachings. In addition to establishing Integral Yoga Institutes and Centers globally, in 1979, Swami Satchidananda founded Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, Virginia. Situated on almost 1,000 acres in the rural countryside, Swami Satchidananda described his vision for Yogaville as a sample “heaven on earth,” where people of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds come to together to live the teachings of Integral Yoga. Additionally, thousands of people visit Yogaville annually for guest visits and day trips, and to participate in workshops, Yoga teacher and therapist trainings, celebrations, interfaith gatherings, and silent retreats.
Facilities in Yogaville include: Integral Yoga Academy, Yogaville Vidyalayam, Satchidananda Farm and orchard, auto repair and other workshops, photo department, Shakticom, archives, Integral Yoga Publications, Integral Yoga Distribution, Fine Arts Society, Lotus Conference Center, Sri Nivas Retreat Center, Yogaville Federal Credit Union, and much more. Three shrines at Yogaville—the Light Of Truth Universal Shine (LOTUS), Kailash, and Chidambaram—are often referred to as the heart of Yogaville. But, in truth, there is no particular structure that can hold that special honor. The heart of Yogaville will always be the expansive teachings and presence of Swami Satchidananda.

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